At inNOWvate there are plenty opportunities to listen to knowledgeable speakers talk about innovation and to meet with start-ups who gladly pitch about their solutions. Recently the first names of speakers have been announced by Supply Chain Media. You can find more information about the presentations in the programme posted on the inNOWvate website.
Supply Chain Media likes to see and touch the newest technologies because technology is more than words. That is why Supply Chain Media invited several of its technology partners to show their technology live at inNOWvate so you can do more than just talk about the newest inventions.
Always wanted to see a drone fly or a 3D printer at work? You might be in luck at inNOWvate this year. Supply Chain Media will keep the names of the companies and the product they will showcase a secret a bit longer. Find out in the next couple of weeks what demonstrations will take place by checking our website or social media channels for further updates!